
Recognizing the Complexity of Contaminated Sites Management
As a registered non profit Society, the SABCS consists of the members, which are a body of independent individuals of sufficient number and diversity to provide the range of expertise required to fulfill its responsibilities. Recognizing the complexity of the issues in contaminated sites management, members may come from a number of disciplines and professions including but not necessarily limited to, toxicology, agrology, analytical chemistry, biological sciences, hydrogeology, engineering, and geo-sciences. Acting as independent scientists, members may be drawn from any area of scientific endeavour, including but not limited to, the environmental consulting industry, academic institutions, all levels of government, industry and non-profit organizations.
The criteria for appointment of members will be primarily as follows:
- independence;
- recognized scientific credentials;
- relevant experience in contaminated sites management or a related area of expertise;
- need for overall balance of expertise;
- potential to contribute in a committee environment; and
- diversity.
The appointments of members are approved by the Board of Directors of the SABCS on recommendation of the membership committee. (The Board of Directors of the SABCS is elected at the Annual General Meeting, and is primarily responsible for administration and financial management).
Note: Both Full and Associate Memberships are available
The Science Advisory Board for Contaminated Sites in British Columbia is currently accepting membership application. For application forms and more information on membership please download a membership package.