11th Annual SABCS Conference on Contaminated Sites
September 27 – 29, 2021
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The 11th Annual SABCS Conference on
Contaminated Sites
September 27-29, 2021,
08:30 to 12:30 Pacific Time
Virtual Event
Update: August 9, 2021: The dates for this years conference have been revised due to the new Federal holiday on September 30th for the National Day of Truth & Reconciliation.
The Science Advisory Board for Contaminated Sites (SABCS) in British Columbia is pleased to announce our 11th Annual Conference on Contaminated Sites, which will be hosted in conjunction with GeoEnviroPro Training Professionals Inc. Over the past ten years, the SABCS conferences and workshops have brought together speakers and participants from industry, government, and academia to share innovation, application of technology, best practices, and lessons learned, through presentations and discussion. We seek to promote excellence through presentations by international thought leaders and show-casing the expertise of the local community. This year, the conference and workshop will be held virtually on
September 27, 28 and 29, 2021, from 8:30am until 12:30pm Pacific time each day.
We encourage sharing of ideas and knowledge from a range of perspectives and on different topics related to contaminated lands management (please see suggested topics below). Innovation and technology to address resilient and effective contaminated lands management, a key theme of this year’s conference will be Adaptation and Resilience in Contaminated Lands Management, and in particular innovation and technology to address these challenges. Attending this conference will be a worthwhile investment that will provide you with new perspectives, practical knowledge, professional connections, and will equip you to excel in your professional practice.
The benefits of attending this conference include enabling participants to:
- Learn: Wide-ranging presentations provide practical information on site investigation and remediation.
- Recharge: Listen to cutting-edge research, new ideas and lessons learned.
- Connect: Session breaks include virtual networking so you can meet other professionals in the industry.
- Give Back: Share your expertise and lessons learned and contribute to discussions.
- Interact: Contribute to question-and-answer breaks and panel sessions.
- Access: Benefit from on-demand access to audio and digital presentations after the event.
- Develop: As a professional and acquire professional development hours.
Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract, submissions are now closed. The preliminary agenda will be available soon.
Conference and Workshop Registration Fees
- General admission full Conference (3 Days): $250
- Indigenous Partner, Young Professional / Students (<5 years work experience) full conference (3 Days): $175
- One day conference admission (1 Day) $100
- Scholarships opportunities available, contact [email protected] for more information
- Group rates available upon request
Registrations are transferable. Written refund requests for cancellations must be received by
September 17, 2021. Registration will be opened once a conference agenda is available for review.
There is also an opportunity to sponsor the SABCS conference. Sponsors will be recognized in various ways based on their contribution amount. Please contact Conference Co-Chairs Ian Hers and Zahra Pirani at [email protected] or 604-358-1379 for further details on opportunities for sponsorship or for general conference inquiries.
We look forward to seeing you at the virtual event in September.