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While representing science available to the greatest extent possible, these documents may or may not be used in whole or in part by government including BC or federal agencies. The materials are an expression of scientific opinion. Use of the material herein is at the sole discretion and responsibility of any reader and the SABCS assumes no liability express or implied for its use. While available for information in your practice, note that the reports are the property of the SABCS and cannot be reproduced or disseminated for commercial educational purposes or to create guidance products without the express written permission of the SABCS.

Approaches & Methods for Evaluation of Light for Non-Aqueous Hydrogeological Assessment Tools Project (February 2006)
Approaches & Methods for Evaluation of Unsaturated Zone Contaminant Transport Processes & Effects on Groundwater (June 2006)
BC SAB Hydro Assess Tools Vertical Transport Feb 06
BC SAB Hydro Assessment Tools – Unsaturated Transport June 06
BCELQAAC Technical Recommendations to BC MOE for Vapour Standards (July 2009)
Business Case for a BC Science Advisory Board (BC SAB) (April 2006)
Case Study 1: Screening Risk Assessment Level 1 (SRA1) For ABC Canned Foods Big Harbour BC
CCME Canada Wide Standards for Petroleum Hydrocarbons (November 2003)
Detailed Ecological Risk Assessment (DERA) In BC Technical Guidance (September 2008)
Fractured Bedrock Field Methods & Analytical Tools, Volume I: Main Report (April 2010)
Fractured Bedrock Field Methods & Analytical Tools, Volume II: Appendices (April 2010)
Golder SABCS High Density Residentials Standards (May 2011)
Guidance for a Weight of Evidence Approach in Conducting Detailed Ecological Risk Assessments (DERA) in British Columbia (October 2010)
Guidance for Detailed Ecological Risk Assessment (DERA) in BC (March 2006)
Guidance on Site Characterization for Evaluation of Soil Vapour Intrusion into Buildings (February 2006)
Guidance on Site Characterization for Evaluation of Soil Vapour Intrusion into Buildings (May 2011)
Hydrogeological Assessment Tools for Modeling Transport of Metals in Groundwater (February 2006)
Hydrogeological Assessment Tools to Determine the Rate of Biodegradation for Organic Contaminants in Groundwater (February 2006)
Overview of Soil Vapour Assessment From A Laboratory Industry Perspective (July 2008)
Recent Trends and Critical Issues for Assessment of Vapour Intrusion Pathway (July 2008)
Recommended Procedures for Identification of High Priority Contaminated Sites in British Columbia (May 2006)
SABCS Constitution and Bylaws
SABCS Terms of Reference
Scientific Review of BC CSST Soil Standards Derivation Protocol (October 2005)
Screening Risk Assessment – Level 1 | Appendix A Conceptual Modeling Overview (June 2004)
Screening Risk Assessment – Level 1 (SRA1) Guidance (June 2004)
SLRA Report (August 2005)
Soil Vapour Sampling Using Summa Canisters